Activities and services
The EURC-EAB is dedicated to a range of activities and services, which include cooperation with breed societies, third parties and competent authorities; developing methods for the preservation of endangered breeds, and the preservation of genetic diversity existing within those breeds; as well as identifying emerging problems, strengthen international cooperation and providing technical expertise.
Take a look at EURC-EAB’s main activities in the overview below. These activities are also described in detail in the Work Programme 2023-2024, in accordance with Article 29 (4)(b)(ii) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012.
Facilitate preservation of endangered breeds
EURC-EAB will work with breed societies and third parties designated by breed societies, competent authorities and other authorities of the Member States to facilitate the preservation of endangered breeds or the preservation of the genetic diversity existing within those breeds;
Contact point & communication channels
The EURC-EAB will establish a contact point for national competent authorities, breed societies and third parties. Guidelines and information on tools, methodologies and best practices for implementing breeding and conservation strategies will be made available to breed societies and authorities through various communication channels.
Survey on the implementation of EU breeding regulation
A European survey will be undertaken to better understand the status of national implementation of (EU) 2016/1012, and challenges, obstacles and emerging issues will be identified.