Survey on the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 for endangered breeds
One of the first tasks of the European Union Reference Centre for Endangered Animal Breeds (EURC-EAB) is a mapping process to show the status of implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012, in particular the breeding programmes for endangered breeds.
All National Competent Authorities for Animal Breeding, the National Coordinators for Animal Genetic Resources and all breed societies at national level (including associations of breed societies) for equids, bovines, porcines, ovines and caprines will be invited to take part in the survey.
Below you can find an overview (in PDF) of the questions that are listed in the survey, indicated per type op respondent.
EU Member States
Non-EU Countries
To explain the background, the intention and the expected outcomes of the survey and to give guidance on how to fill the survey, the EURC-EAB will offered webinars to the respective target groups. Below you can find the recording of 16/05/2023.